You do mean "Art Conservation" right? not "conversation"?

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Hey great, catch on the typo. I'll fix it. The only editor is myself. Thank you!

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Hi, Tony. Thanks for the info. Quite useful.

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Thanks Susan. Let me know if I can be helpful to you with any future job searches or advice. I'm thinking of starting a discussion thread on The Polymerist as well to put up jobs that recruiters push to me and/or people in my network share with each other. Might be a better way for people to share jobs than just LinkedIn.

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Hi Tony,

Thank you for this great piece. I have a question on technical presentation in job interviews. Does one have to present something related to the job or a project which one has worked on?

I am a bit confused on this.

Looking forward to your feedback



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How much of this is cultural? I've never found anyone who wants "follow up" or "thank you" emails. The times I tried doing follow up people were snappy and upset I was taking up their time. And thank yous for this feel so overtly sucking up that I can't see a good outcome from them.

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You should be able to write a thank you that is short and to the point. If you the roles were reversed and you were the person interviewing how would you feel? If you had filled the role, but they never let the other candidates know and someone followed-up with you would you give them the closure that they didn't get the job?

The chemical industry is not that big. I've experienced some weird and impolite behavior myself, but I've typically found that people who don't like 'thank you' emails or get annoyed at your 'follow-up' are probably people you do not want to work for if you can have a choice. I'd rather send thank you emails with the chance that the hiring manager snaps back at me. It's just more information to help me make a decision if I ever get an offer or if by some miracle I can decide between two offers.

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